Should Trump's Advisors Agree With Him?

When we are talking about those people who are closest to him in an advisor position, such as @realDonalTrump Cabinet members, we have to make a difference between being agreeable and agreeing. From a #communication perspective, it is important that the two parties agree to be civil, honest, direct and open with each other. That is a formula for a relationship in with the parties are agreeable with one another. They can and will agree to #communicate with each other in those ways. That is not to say that they must or should agree with each other on the topics discussed. In fact, the most healthy advisory relationships in #leadership settings is when the two parties do not agree with each other on topics being discussed. 

Effective leaders know that it is actually dangerous for him/her to be surrounded by “yes people”, people who agree with everything. The robust expression of differing points of view produces a positive environment where decisions made have been vetted and explored thoroughly. It takes a lot of foresight and courage for #leaders to adopt this position. Whether it's the responsibility of a parent regarding their child or @realDonaldTrump pertaining to a nation or a planet or a specie, it is very important that we answer our question: Should Trump's Advisors Agree With Him?...the answer is no.


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